~ Angelina Jolie

"If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with being different….I'd rather be completely fucking mental."
~ Angelina Jolie

~ Angelina Jolie

"I've realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anybody the wrong way or not be fun to be around, but you have to be happy. When I get logical and I don't trust my instincts – That's when I get in trouble."
~ Angelina Jolie

"If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me."
~ Angelina Jolie

"If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do."
~ Angelina Jolie

~ Angelina Jolie

"Love one person, take care of them until you die. You know, raise kids. Have a good life. Be a good friend. And try to be completely who you are. And figure out what you personally love. And like go after it with everything you've got no matter how much it takes."
~ Angelina Jolie

"I'm extremely honest, and I pride myself on it. I don't try to be shocking. I'm playful, and I know when something I'm saying is maybe shocking, but it's just the truth, I never wanted to be scary to people or upsetting to people. I simply want to live the way I need to live."
~ Angelina Jolie

"I didn't even know my bra size until I made a movie."
~ Angelina Jolie

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